Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when

the Holy Spirit comes on you; 
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, 
and to the ends of the earth. 

Meet Our Missionaries

Ben & Suzi Collins

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Ben and Suzi Collins live in Bangkok, Thailand. They partner with Thai churches to promote evangelism and discipleship.

B & K
(Not identified for security reasons)

Central Asia
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B serves as the regional leader for Central Asia, supervising all of RTIM's units in the region. That includes providing strategic support and member care for our missionaries. He also coordinates partnerships with their sending churches and provides pre-field training to all our new global workers. Lastly, he teaches at a missionary training school located in Central Asia.

Chris and Miranda Shirrell

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Chris and Miranda Shirrell have been in Japan since 2022. They are serving under a national pastor at Ota Bible Baptist church and beginning the church planting process in a rural town called Meiwa. There are no churches in Meiwa nor in the surrounding towns.

Cliff and Alison Reynolds

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Cliff and Ali Reynolds serve as church planters in England. Pathway Church is a new church plant seeking to reach the village of Purton. Cliff serves as an elder and Ali is heavily involved in the ministries of the church. They use a variety of ministries to build relationships with people in the community with the goal of sharing the good news of Jesus.

D & K
(Not identified for security reasons)

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D&K work with Education by Design, a global leadership training endeavor. Their objective is to train untrained leaders in the majority world

Dan and Rachel Stoner

North Carolina
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Dan and Rachel Stoner are both missionary pilots living in Waxhaw, North Carolina. They repair aircraft for JAARS (Jungle Aircraft And Relay Service). Also they recruit candidates for missionary aviation and train them.

D & A
(Not identified for security reasons)

Middle East
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D&A have been serving in the Middle East for 20 years in discipleship, outreach, and church leadership. They are currently part of a new church plant in a city that previously had no gospel witness. During these volatile times in the Middle East, many people are seeking answers for peace and hope. They desire to share the good news of the gospel with these unreached people.

Erik & Alexi Weber

Eastern Michigan
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Erik & Alexi Weber are passionate about reaching the next generation. Erik is a pastor at New Life Ypsi, primarily serving the Eastern Michigan University and Washtenaw Community College students. Erik has a passion for discipling and equipping students to effectively labor in life-long service for the King.

Jacques & Julienne Ya’ Kouassi 

Steppin Out Missions, Ivory Coast
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Jacques and Julienne Ya’ Kouassi serve in the Ivory Coast, Africa. Jaques is the director for Steppin Out Missions in Ivory Coast and oversees a Bible school that trains nationals to carry out the Great Commission in their country.

J & A
(Not identified for security reasons)

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J&A serve in Slovakia alongside national partners in their churches, taking part in outreaches to the community, helping with camp ministries and teaching English. In 2021, we began serving by directing the teams in Eastern Europe/Central Asia. We serve our teams through member care, field visits, organizing regional events, connecting with national partners, and mobilizing new teammates

Joel and Pam King

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Joel and Pam King serve in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico taking the gospel to a poor section of their city. Home Bible studies, outreaches to children including weekly Bible studies at the local community center supplement the regular meetings of the church they started in their city.

John & Shirley Corley

Steppin Out Ministries
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John & Shirley Corley assist the local church in connecting resources, talents and gifts to the vast needs of the
Mission field including disaster response projects with Samaritan’s Purse. Our deployments consist of taking teams for the removal of debris and downed trees, running heavy equipment and chain saw work.

J & H
(Not identified for security reasons)

Middle East
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J&H live in the Middle East. They work in places of deep poverty to develop relationships through education and humanitarian efforts.

Justin & Rachel

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 Justin is from Wadsworth. He and his wife, Rachel lead a ministry to children in Sakete, a village in the African country of Benin. They provide humanitarian relief including infant formula, education for moms and Bible studies for children. Everything they do becomes a platform to share the love of Jesus.

L & C
(Not identified for security reasons)

African Islands
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L&C are veteran church planters serving in East Africa to bring hope through the gospel. They have a heart to reach their community through evangelism and discipleship. Relationships open doors in their community to foster opportunities for gospel conversations.

Steve and Bethany Carter

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Steve and Bethany Carter have been in Japan since 2003. They currently serve at Akigawa Baptist Church in Tokyo, where Steve is pastor. While emphasizing reaching and discipling people in their area, they also provide help and support to other churches throughout Japan.

Stephen and Carolyn Crockett

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Stephen and Carolyn Crockett served 24 years on location working with a tribe in the South Pacific to plant a church, which included literacy, Bible curriculum development, and Bible translation. They now use their experiences to train other missionaries to do the same thing. Currently they work with church planting teams in 15 different language groups.

T & C
(Not identified for security reasons)

Worldwide Missions
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T&C lead a team of 16 missionaries who provide professional building services to projects projects in 22 countries. Projects range from hospitals in Africa, schools in war-torn regions to Bible colleges in the Asia Pacific region. The team eases the burden of design and construction needs of the missionaries navigating complex buildings processes, mobilizing volunteers and managing local contractors.

Tim and Charlene Miskimen

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Tim and Charlene Miskimen are based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Tim teaches theology through Asia Baptist Theological Seminary, and travels throughout Asia teaching modular classes. His responsibilities include preparing for teaching responsibilities and grading papers.